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View Full Version : The Last Man (Rodrigo H. Vila)

06-08-2019, 06:03 PM

06-08-2019, 06:08 PM
I watched this mystifingly boring sci-fi flick because the elder brother of one of my closest high school friends was very involved with the production, which took place in Lugano, an impoverished suburb of Buenos Aires. There's something inherently funny about making a post-apocalypse flick and using Lugano as a location. You'd hardly need any set decoration.

Anyway, the movie is terrible. It has every cliché from every sci-fi film you've ever seen plus some random scenes which have no place in the overall plot. The dialogue (in English) is plainly written by a Spanish speaker who felt the need to insert cultural references anywhere he could. I'm the kind of guy who would cherish this film as a B-movie oddity... but it's just no fun at all, and even Harvey Keitel can't make his scenes come alive. Whatever the hell happened to Hayden Christensen is anyone's guess. Probably drugs, right? It's at least curious to see them interact with local actors like Fernán Mirás or Rafael Spregelburd.