View Full Version : Captain Marvel (Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck)

03-06-2019, 01:59 PM
https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/J_pI51OjPA0I7xS-6zflA1R9aQg=/0x0:2040x1360/1200x675/filters:focal(854x515:1180x841 )/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/63178662/jbareham_190227_0849_0002_capt ain_marvel_nwm.0.jpg

03-06-2019, 03:53 PM
I kept thinking of the first two Thor films during this. The space stuff recalls the exhaustingly dense, exposition dump of The Dark World (my previous choice for least favourite MCU), and doesn't feel organic in world-building enough a la the Guardians films to makes it feel anything but alien dress-up.

The earthbound adventure resembles the fish-out-of-water comedy of first Thor (one of my faves), but without the eccentric homeworld stuff to contrast and gives it gravity, and also lacking a central figure as well established and characterized as Hemsworth's hero. There's a valiant, intermittenly successful attempt to freshen the tired superhero origin formula by treating it as mystery for both characters and audience, but this necessitates a characterization void for so long that Larson can't quite overcome it.

And whatever flaws my bottom-tier MCU films (Ant-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor: The Dark World) have, they at least finish comparatively strong, as I enjoy the distinctive climatic fights in all of them. This one's, Annette Bening parts asides, looks as blah and dutiful as the one that opens the film, ultimately making the whole thing feel like scaffolding between two Avengers entries. The Marvel studio had been mostly successful as picking unlikely but eventually fitting directors in the past, so it's a bit dispriting to see they stumble hard with this particular superhero. 5.5/10

03-06-2019, 04:03 PM
I kept thinking of the first two Thor films during this. The space stuff recalls the exhaustingly dense, exposition dump of The Dark World (my previous choice for least favourite MCU), and doesn't feel organic in world-building enough a la the Guardians films to makes it feel anything but alien dress-up.

This was also the problem with the Green Lantern movie... alien dress up is a great way to describe this.

03-06-2019, 04:08 PM
Obligatory ranking post:

Captain America: Civil War (2016)
The Avengers (2012)
Black Panther (2018)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Thor (2011)
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Avengers: Inifinity War (2018)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
Iron Man (2008)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Doctor Strange (2016)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
Ant-Man (2015)
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Captain Marvel (2019)

03-06-2019, 04:14 PM
I refuse to believe this is worse than the humorless Incredible Hulk. Hell, at least Dark World has Loki, which is equivalent of RDJ in Civil War. Incredible Hulk has NOTHING.

03-06-2019, 04:28 PM
Yeah I highly doubt this is worse than Dark World, Hulk or IM3.

03-06-2019, 04:44 PM
I rewatched all the MCU before Civil War, so the ranking and feeling are as fresh as can be. My reasoning for the other entries mentioned:

Thor: The Dark World 5.5/10 (but 3/5 where as Captain Marvel is 2.5/5):

This actually hinges on being a 2.5 stars for me on this rewatch, but I'm giving it a bit leeway because the strong stuff comes in the second half, with the best stuff especially around the end. But yeah, the mythology and villain are just completely uninteresting. Watching Marvel films in a row also means that I watched this not long after Thor, and having loved that one all over again makes the disappointment of losing Branagh's colorfully Shakespearean sensibility to Taylor's blandly gritty fantasy just register stronger. Oh well, at least Tom Hiddleston and that madly inventive and fun climax help save the day.

The Incredible Hulk 6/10:

Gratifyingly serious vibe, without crossing over into too grim. It also contains some stylish and kinetic action scenes that are weightier than it is given credit for. However, the story and connective tissues in between are generic and rushed, despite the earnest performances. This problem manifests itself more and more as the film goes along, especially concerning the villain (I like Roth's no-nonsense portrayal, but his characterization makes no sense even for a comic book), which ultimately drags down the third act and left the film feeling too muted.

Iron Man 3 7.5/10:

It's messy, but messiness is part of its charm, especially when it's borne out of Shane Black's eccentric style. Probably the most emotionally resonant of the Iron Man franchise, now that I see its mission statement right from the start. Tony's "I'm not afraid of you" to the Iron Man mask floating towards him jumpstarts the PTSD-filled internal conflict to follow, set among some of the more bonker setpieces/plot developments in a Marvel film. Some of it still doesn't gel seamlessly, but Black seems to thrive on the chaos, pivoting everything around Downey's performance which digs deeper and more vulnerable than before. The acidic dark comedy tone sometimes strikes a wrong note, but its overall effect is rather bracing.

Henry Gale
03-06-2019, 07:31 PM
Ahaha Duke! Why pick that insane fan photoshop for the poster image? Actually, it fits with the '90s theme quite well, looking like something a free in-theatre magazine in the decade would concoct from promo images provided, so in that sense, I like it!

Anyway, seeing this tomorrow. Peng adds to the general reception already having cooled my expectations.

Milky Joe
03-06-2019, 08:07 PM
IM3 is top 5 Marvel, c'mon now.

03-06-2019, 08:09 PM
IM3 is top 5 Marvel, c'mon now.

All our lists are upside down. I can do what I like.

it sucks

okaaaaaay.....it doesn't suuuuuuuuck. Its just the least good IM film imo

03-06-2019, 08:09 PM
Ahaha Duke! Why pick that insane fan photoshop for the poster image? Actually, it fits with the '90s theme quite well, looking like something a free in-theatre magazine in the decade would concoct from promo images provided, so in that sense, I like it!

Anyway, seeing this tomorrow. Peng adds to the general reception already having cooled my expectations.

I mean... http://matchcut.artboiled.com/showthread.php?7023-Star-Wars-The-Last-Jedi-(Rian-Johnson)

03-06-2019, 08:39 PM
IM3 > IM2 > IM.

03-06-2019, 08:47 PM
See, Milky Joe? Everyone can enjoy them in a different way.

Milky Joe
03-06-2019, 11:24 PM
Oh I know (except trans, IM2 is terrible). I just find IM3 one of the most re-watchable of all the Marvel movies. Shane Black + RDJ combo rules, what can I say.

03-07-2019, 12:48 AM
I would totally agree with you if we were talking about Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. IM3 not so much to each their own. :)

03-07-2019, 03:50 PM
Gunfist is my favorite Marvel villain

03-07-2019, 10:05 PM
Sorry guys, Milky Joe and trans are objectively correct in this one.

IM3 is tops.

Henry Gale
03-08-2019, 02:49 AM
IM3 > IM2 > IM.

Co-signed. Rockwell and Rourke are as underappreciated in it as they are underused, and I really love the scenes of Tony digging into his past with his father to save his life in the present. Those performances and that story thread more than make up for the clunkily wedged-in Avengers set-up material.

I mean... http://matchcut.artboiled.com/showthread.php?7023-Star-Wars-The-Last-Jedi-(Rian-Johnson)

Now that's just true art right there.

Milky Joe
03-08-2019, 03:55 AM
I liked Captain Marvel more than I thought I would. Whatevs.

03-08-2019, 04:05 AM
more like Nick Fury and Things From Space (don't call him Nicholas!)

I liked Brie Larson in this, probably more than I liked her in Room (She only got that Oscar because of Jacob Tremblay). But other than Jude Law being kind of amusing, this was a dud. Music cues didn't work for me, storytelling is kinda lame. Ben Mendelsohn is one of my favorite actors but eh, he worked and he didn't work here. The need for this to integrate with the other pictures that came before and will come after hampers us from really getting to know Carol Danvers. Meh.

Not close to the worst of the MCU imo. It's thankfully a little light compared to the dreary fare that really irritate me.

Milky Joe
03-08-2019, 04:17 AM
I really just hope that the role she plays in Endgame doesn't do the Mary Sue thing. I don't want Carol Danvers to come in and save the day after everybody else has failed. She should help but ultimately the Win should come from the characters we have gotten to know over the past 10 years. And no, not cuz she's a woman.

Henry Gale
03-08-2019, 05:12 PM
I thought it was perfectly fine but wish it had embraced its messier, stranger side it shows glimmers of amongst its standard self that simply seems to get a thrill on putting conventional structure on shuffle mode. There are things that land with a thud like the initial stand-off against the Skrull being one of clunkier, muddier and shapelessly staged action scenes to ever be in an MCU movie, and then there's something as simple as a indie drama-style handheld shot of Larson walking outside at sundown that it feels like a stylistic revelation within it simply because of loose, spontaneous and emotionally driven it feels.

I'll likely follow up with more spoiler-y thoughts later, but I'd say it's still well worth watching (as if these movies haven't become something of required viewing to follow each other, whether that's a happy obligation or tedious homework) particularly for the potent charisma and chemistry of the cast, the perfectly captured '90s production design (especially nailing the time's distinctly mundane beige and grey urban landspaces with splashes of disjointed bright colours, rather than just, "An old billboard! Popular songs of the time!", though it certainly does that a lot too) and subverting a lot of the conventions this very franchise has helped cement in the modern blockbuster lexicon. But due to the tropes it can't escape, it probably just slips into my Bottom 5 of MCU, which I suppose speaks more to how much I really do like the vast majority of these movies instead of this being an egregiously weak installment. It's solid in a way that skirts real reverberation and distinction, which unfortunately is no longer the bar Marvel Studios has set for themselves. Good enough isn't good enough when everything else you've built thrives on its exception that everyone else has since tried and failed to emulate.

Aside from its first post-credit scene, I have to wonder if in the future this movie would be more effective to be watched right after the first Iron Man.

Pop Trash
03-08-2019, 05:19 PM
I really just hope that the role she plays in Endgame doesn't do the Mary Sue thing. I don't want Carol Danvers to come in and save the day after everybody else has failed. She should help but ultimately the Win should come from the characters we have gotten to know over the past 10 years. And no, not cuz she's a woman.

Wasn't there some drama about that w/ ScarJo and the other og. Avengers? I'm pretty sure I read some gossip piece about the actors feeling like Carol Danvers is getting way too heavily shoehorned in to the 10+ years of build-up. I got that vibe at the end of Infinity War.

Henry Gale
03-08-2019, 05:28 PM
Wasn't there some drama about that w/ ScarJo and the other og. Avengers? I'm pretty sure I read some gossip piece about the actors feeling like Carol Danvers is getting way too heavily shoehorned in to the 10+ years of build-up. I got that vibe at the end of Infinity War.

Tfw the newest (Captain Marvel) and the least popular (Ant-Man) lead characters become the most important heroes in Endgame.

This is the first I've heard about the behind-the-scenes drama though.

03-08-2019, 08:27 PM
This was a perfectly fine Marvel flick, with all the same pros and cons as most of them. It's an episode, and it fits where it has to in the series, for better or worse. I had more than enough of what I paid three euros for, and my time.

Oh, and - the themes of female empowerment were handled well and the movie is worth it for some of those moments alone. The toxic manchildren of Youtube can go to hell.

03-09-2019, 01:52 AM
There was a nice applause during the Marvel Studios logo; Tribute to Stan Lee at my viewing tonight. Yeh, I thought this was fine. The "different kind of origin story" ended up being the typical kind of origin story, only with dreams and flashbacks setting the stage, confusing the audience on what they should be believing. I enjoyed the 'fish out of water' stuff more than Thor, only because it's my decade being featured here; Blockbuster video, Radio Shack, the dial up modem, the slow PC stuff and grunge singles littered across the run-time. Exposition was heavy handed in the first 20 minutes. I liked the explanation of Carol holding back her powers until the scene (i think) we've been waiting for comes along...something equivalent to the No Man Land scene in Wonder Woman. It happens- in a series of flashbacks of people telling Carol to stay down, she can't do it, stop trying... but each time she gets back up. I don't think it's nearly as powerful as the scene in Wonder Woman, in fact, I was a little disappointed with the way Marvel handled that message. I expected a bit more. I am finding, that I am enjoying the cosmic Marvel stuff, much more, than the Earth bound stuff.

Oh and Iron Man is way better than Iron Man 3

1.The Avengers
2.Captain America: The Winter Soldier
3.Avengers: Age of Ultron
4.Avengers: Infinity War
5.Iron Man
6.Thor: Ragnarok
7.Guardians of the Galaxy
8.Ant-Man and the Wasp
9.Spider-Man: Homecoming
10.Captain America: Civil War
11.Captain America: The First Avenger
12.Iron Man 3
13.Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
14.Captain Marvel
17.Black Panther
18.Doctor Strange
19.Iron Man 2
20.Thor: The Dark World
31.The Incredible Hulk

Pop Trash
03-09-2019, 04:55 AM
3.Avengers: Age of Ultron

That's a YIKES from me, dawg.

Pop Trash
03-09-2019, 05:04 AM
Thor: Ragnarok
Captain America: First Avenger
Avengers 1
Black Panther
Guardians of the Galaxy
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Captain America: Winter Soldier
Iron Man
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Ultron

Something like that.

03-09-2019, 05:29 AM

03-09-2019, 05:37 AM

03-09-2019, 06:24 AM

Sorry to bother you with my opinion, I guess.

03-09-2019, 11:18 AM
I liked the explanation of Carol holding back her powers until the scene (i think) we've been waiting for comes along...something equivalent to the No Man Land scene in Wonder Woman. It happens- in a series of flashbacks of people telling Carol to stay down, she can't do it, stop trying... but each time she gets back up. I don't think it's nearly as powerful as the scene in Wonder Woman, in fact, I was a little disappointed with the way Marvel handled that message. I expected a bit more.

I thought it was infinitely better. WW was just the basic "invincible hero kicks faceless enemy ass and inspires allies". Danvers' moment was a culmination of a lifetime of trying and failing and getting up and trying again even though everyone told her she didn't have it in her to succeed, set up from the very opening scene of the film. It was basically the whole point of the movie, the rest was dressing.

03-09-2019, 12:01 PM
That's a YIKES from me, dawg.


03-09-2019, 12:07 PM
;601638']I thought it was infinitely better. WW was just the basic "invincible hero kicks faceless enemy ass and inspires allies". Danvers' moment was a culmination of a lifetime of trying and failing and getting up and trying again even though everyone told her she didn't have it in her to succeed, set up from the very opening scene of the film. It was basically the whole point of the movie, the rest was dressing.

When you put it that way, I agree. I guess I wanted more of an impact with the people she was trying to save.

03-09-2019, 04:08 PM
Heading towards $150 million opening- which would make it the 7th largest MCU opening behind:

Infinity War $257,698,183
The Avengers $207,438,708
Black Panther $202,003,951
Age of Ultron $191,271,109
Civil War $179,139,142
Iron Man 3 $174,144,585

And the largest opening for an origin story (unless you include Black Panther)

Suicide Squad $133,682,248
Deadpool $132,434,639
Man of Steel $116,619,362
Spider-Man $114,844,116
Wonder Woman $103,251,471

03-09-2019, 06:11 PM
Why wouldn't you include Black Panther?

03-09-2019, 06:15 PM
Why wouldn't you include Black Panther?

Because he was introduced in Civil War?

03-09-2019, 06:35 PM
Because he was introduced in Civil War?

Does it make that big a difference between origin story and first solo film?

Ezee E
03-10-2019, 03:31 AM
BP is definitely an origin movie since it establishes Wakanda. Otherwise Wonder Woman isn't origin.

03-10-2019, 01:56 PM
BP is definitely an origin movie since it establishes Wakanda. Otherwise Wonder Woman isn't origin.

Technically Wakanda is established in Age of Ultron.

Henry Gale
03-10-2019, 05:54 PM
Technically Wakanda is established in Age of Ultron.

I'm not sure one scene in a shipping yard with Andy Serkis is the same being introduced to the Wakanda we now know from Black Panther.

I think the key is no one saw Civil War or BvS primarily for Black Panther and Wonder Woman, but their introductions marked a then-rare way of introducing characters in a crossover before their own movies that ultimately helped put both in the public consciousness. Still, the massive successes of their solo films had way more to do with them standing as the first major black and female superheroes toplining movies as the most unique and significant factors to them.

Pop Trash
03-10-2019, 07:17 PM
Black Panther and Wonder Woman are both origin stories. C'mon.

03-10-2019, 07:26 PM
Heading towards $150 million opening- which would make it the 7th largest MCU opening behind:

Infinity War $257,698,183
The Avengers $207,438,708
Black Panther $202,003,951
Age of Ultron $191,271,109
Civil War $179,139,142
Iron Man 3 $174,144,585

And the largest opening for an origin story (unless you include Black Panther)

Suicide Squad $133,682,248
Deadpool $132,434,639
Man of Steel $116,619,362
Spider-Man $114,844,116
Wonder Woman $103,251,471

$153, could be higher come Monday

Pop Trash
03-10-2019, 07:55 PM
$153, could be higher come Monday

I predict it'll top out around $250M. Word-of-mouth is ok, but the people I follow on letterboxd are hitting it hard (and I realize they are film snobs, but still). There's some other sure things at the B.O. -- Jordan Peele's Us (excellent reviews out of SXSW), Dumbo (critic proof), Pet Semetary (should do well after the success of IT). Plus some ones that could go either way -- Shazam! (could be another Deadpool, or not?), Hellboy (does anyone care?), and the La LLorona horror movie (people underestimate how huge this story is with the Mex-Am community so don't count this out). Then of course Endgame comes out on April 26 which will nuke the B.O. Only Endgame will beat Captain Marvel, but these other films will ding up Captain Marvel's legs over the next few weeks.

Milky Joe
03-10-2019, 07:58 PM
BTW... Captain Marvel >>> Wonder Woman

Biggest disappointment? nowhere near enough Agent Coulson

03-10-2019, 08:11 PM
I predict it'll top out around $250M. Word-of-mouth is ok, but the people I follow on letterboxd are hitting it hard (and I realize they are film snobs, but still). There's some other sure things at the B.O. -- Jordan Peele's Us (excellent reviews out of SXSW), Dumbo (critic proof), Pet Semetary (should do well after the success of IT). Plus some ones that could go either way -- Shazam! (could be another Deadpool, or not?), Hellboy (does anyone care?), and the La LLorona horror movie (people underestimate how huge this story is with the Mex-Am community so don't count this out). Then of course Endgame comes out on April 26 which will nuke the B.O. Only Endgame will beat Captain Marvel, but these other films will ding up Captain Marvel's legs over the next few weeks.

No way- it will easily do $300 if not $400 domestically. May even beat Iron Man 3.

03-10-2019, 08:43 PM
I predict it'll top out around $250M.

Using my general formula for guestimating fantasy movie league finals...

150 weekend = 200 week one
divide by 2 per week = 100 week two
= 50 week three
= 25 week four
= 375 domestic in first month

[note: this is my conservative estimation.]

03-10-2019, 11:40 PM
Pretty slight, even for a Marvel movie, but I got some laughs out of it and I had a good time. Could have been much stronger, though. Mendelsohn was the standout for sure.

Ezee E
03-11-2019, 03:24 AM
I think La Llorona does more than Pet Semetary. The latter looks pretty terrible.

And Capt Marvel will do at least $350 US methinks

Ivan Drago
03-11-2019, 03:47 AM
This was fine. The 90s throwbacks got old really fast, there aren’t any stakes until the final act, and it gets off to a rocky start tonally. But Brie Larson was phenomenal, the VFX and score were great, Goose is the best movie cat since Jonesy, and the film’s messages of female empowerment were conveyed in strong fashion.

03-11-2019, 11:15 AM
In hindsight, it would have been nice of Talos and Co. to bring up the whole we're just friendly green families looking for a home thing instead of fighting with Fury in the car over a gun and beating Fury up in the hallway (and pointing a gun at him with intent to kill? I can't recall exactly how it went down). That sort of goes against the later narrative and makes it look a bit sloppy, even if the latter parts were handled well on their own.

03-11-2019, 12:14 PM
This was fine. The 90s throwbacks got old really fast, there aren’t any stakes until the final act, and it gets off to a rocky start tonally. But Brie Larson was phenomenal, the VFX and score were great, Goose is the best movie cat since Jonesy, and the film’s messages of female empowerment were conveyed in strong fashion.

Oh this reminded me another thing I didn't like about the opening; did anyone notice how terrible the first mission looked from an art direction / FVX standpoint? It was so hazy, and ugly and I kept thinking the scene would look so much better if they took a rainy night approach rather than a hazy brown mess approach.

03-11-2019, 04:29 PM
Also, apparently the Tesseract could remotely power this incredible leap of technological sophistication? Not even, "We broke a chunk off it and are using that piece to power the ship." Just flat out powering it remotely?

Also also, if the cat had the Tesseract in its gut by the end, how did the Green Homeless Ones travel faster than light to start looking for a new home? Remote again? Even when it was inside a cat?.

03-11-2019, 05:07 PM
Also, apparently the Tesseract could remotely power this incredible leap of technological sophistication? Not even, "We broke a chunk off it and are using that piece to power the ship." Just flat out powering it remotely?

Also also, if the cat had the Tesseract in its gut by the end, how did the Green Homeless Ones travel faster than light to start looking for a new home? Remote again? Even when it was inside a cat?.

I would assume the same way the technology was used to build those Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. weapons.

03-11-2019, 06:27 PM
I thought this was really good.

Henry Gale
03-12-2019, 04:58 PM
Oh this reminded me another thing I didn't like about the opening; did anyone notice how terrible the first mission looked from an art direction / FVX standpoint? It was so hazy, and ugly and I kept thinking the scene would look so much better if they took a rainy night approach rather than a hazy brown mess approach.

Big yup:

There are things that land with a thud like the initial stand-off against the Skrull being one of clunkier, muddier and shapelessly staged action scenes to ever be in an MCU movie..

At least rainy action scenes provide a senses of frustration, discomfort and atmosphere to them. This was so hazy and nondescript it could've been filmed in the lobby of the very theatre I saw it and honestly that wouldn't have been completely out of the question but probably he only way to have made it cooler and more exciting to watch.

03-12-2019, 06:09 PM
The action scenes are definitely not the directors' strong suit.

Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

Morris Schæffer
03-14-2019, 11:53 AM
Decent. Exists in that nether region of superhero flicks where it's not too dour to get you down, but neither too dramatic to really engage you.

Definitely veers towards 'piew piew' videogame territory a few times. I got way more out of the supporting characters than Danvers herself.

Kinda cool how Talos turns out as the good guy although they go out of their way too much just for the sake of springing that surprise on you. And of course Jude Law as the villain is about as believable as Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist.

I fear for Captain Marvel's inclusion in End Game and how she will/might tip the balance.

03-18-2019, 05:34 PM
Eh, can't all be winners. Captain Marvel starts very strong with all the scenes set in the Kree Empire and Jude Law's charismatic antagonist turn but it quickly adheres to the exact same formula as every other MCU film, which wouldn't be so bad if it hadn't raised my expectations before. It's one of the blandest of these movies and feels too much like an extended trailer for Avengers: Endgame. And speaking of Avengers, I hated the final reveal that it was her nickname that gave the team its name since it wasn't the least bit foreshadowed.

I also felt cheated when she unleashed her power because it was so out of the blue. She basically willed herself to be more powerful than she already was, which made little sense to me. It was obvious that they wanted to outdo the trench scene in Wonder Woman and failed miserably.

03-18-2019, 05:56 PM
Yeh, this needed a Gunn or Whedon type of story telling. They did the best they could with the flashbacks / origin story but maybe Marvel felt like since we've already been cosmic, the audience can grasp these alien worlds but as Peng mentioned, it felt a lot like Alien dress up. It needed a slow ramp or an intro like the first Guardians. As I said, I liked the fish out of water aspect the most, and the alien stuff the least. It should be the opposite for a film like this (unless it involved more Coulson)

03-20-2019, 05:19 PM
I predict it'll top out around $250M. Word-of-mouth is ok, but the people I follow on letterboxd are hitting it hard (and I realize they are film snobs, but still). There's some other sure things at the B.O. -- Jordan Peele's Us (excellent reviews out of SXSW), Dumbo (critic proof), Pet Semetary (should do well after the success of IT). Plus some ones that could go either way -- Shazam! (could be another Deadpool, or not?), Hellboy (does anyone care?), and the La LLorona horror movie (people underestimate how huge this story is with the Mex-Am community so don't count this out). Then of course Endgame comes out on April 26 which will nuke the B.O. Only Endgame will beat Captain Marvel, but these other films will ding up Captain Marvel's legs over the next few weeks.

Passed $270 this week.

Pop Trash
03-21-2019, 05:43 PM
Passed $270 this week.

Fine. I'll say $350M... but NO HIGHER AMERICA. GOT IT??

Early reviews for Pet Semetary and Shazam! are solid btw.

03-25-2019, 07:39 PM
I thought this was interesting; Captain Marvel is only the 3rd MCU movie to not have a love interest with one of the main characters. The other movies being Thor: Ragnarok and the first Avengers.

03-29-2019, 07:17 AM
I liked this a lot. Could have used more Clark Gregg. Yey alien kitty. I am reminded of Thor 1 and the first Captain America, which is fine. I wonder how she will fit into Endgame.

04-03-2019, 04:33 PM
Fine. I'll say $350M... but NO HIGHER AMERICA. GOT IT??

Early reviews for Pet Semetary and Shazam! are solid btw.



04-04-2019, 02:38 AM
= 375 in first month domestic

358 with 2 days to go. So I was off. But not by fucking much.

Pop Trash
04-04-2019, 02:40 PM


Booo! Give some of that money to Harmony Korine. In cash so he can light it on fire on his sailboat before floating out to sea in a lifeboat*

*this is a The Beach Bum reference if that wasn't clear

04-22-2019, 04:55 PM
Passed $400 mil dom over the weekend. $9 more mil, and this will end up grossing more than Civil War and Iron Man 3 and likely hold the $5 spot for a while.

04-24-2019, 12:53 PM
I'm starting to understand why Disney released Captain Marvel so close to Avengers. It's the same reason why they did the same for Black Panther. Two brand new franchises, that inevitably get a little boost at the box office as the release date for Avengers nears.

04-24-2019, 05:54 PM
I think Larson/Boden/Fleck just straight up failed at making the Danvers character interesting. This is up there with the recent Supermans in terms of boring, wooden main characters.

CGI Sam Jackson carries the movie and makes the thing watchable. Mendelsohn is good, as always. Pretty forgettable affair otherwise.

Pop Trash
04-26-2019, 03:02 AM
I'm starting to understand why Disney released Captain Marvel so close to Avengers. It's the same reason why they did the same for Black Panther. Two brand new franchises, that inevitably get a little boost at the box office as the release date for Avengers nears.

I think so too. Marvel junkies need their fix and many will simply see Captain Marvel again if Endgame is sold out. Wouldn't be surprised if this rakes in another $50M over the next month since the B/O top three this weekend will be Endgame / Captain Marvel / Shazam! most likely. LE SIGH.

05-28-2019, 04:55 PM
You guys are insane. I can't believe anyone would call this bland next to the lifeless Ant-man movies. It's a shame they released in March because it's a perfect summer movie. Colorful, bright, and fun.

"Marvel" is hands down the best written Marvel movie. I was astonished. This movie's structure is exceptionally well done.

I was also, uh, totally wrong with my predictions, on just about every level. I never would have guessed the duo behind "Half Nelson" and "Mississippi Grind" would have been capable of something like this.

Larsen carried the movie. I still think she's is a jackass when it comes to her public life, but goddamn what a great actress. She made me believe in Carol and like her, despite how grating I find Brie personally. (That's also my one big complaint about the script: The movie is so ruthlessly paced that the characters don't read well; every bit of their personality comes from the actors.)

Also, it looked fucking great. Like a real comic book movie, Ragnorok-lite, the way I always imagined these sorts of movies are supposed to look. I lost count of the number of times I yelled "Fucking cooooooooool!" at something on screen.

Based on some reviews and twitter sniping, I thought this would be another coma-inducing Marvel experience but goddamn did I have fun watching it. What a terrific experience.

Top 5:

1. "Tell me, brother. What were you the god of, again?" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihjx3mX75y8)
2. Captain Marvel
3. The scene between Thor and Rocket in Infinity War
4. Captain America: The First Avenger
5. Any scene from other Marvel productions where Cap puts Tony in his place

05-28-2019, 06:50 PM
Irish has drank the Marvel Kool-aid?

05-28-2019, 11:23 PM
The only scene that really bothered me was the first mission. Visually, it is just too damn dark. I don’t know if the look of the sets wasn’t up to par so they tried to artificially darken / fog it out or something?

But it all felt very out of place in a movie that was otherwise full of colour and visual flare.

Milky Joe
05-29-2019, 03:33 AM
CM was fine. You're welcome to love it. But that swipe at Ant-Man was unnecessary and wrong and I don't forgive you.

05-29-2019, 10:51 AM
Both Ant-Man movies are highly entertaining, and so was Captain Marvel.

Also the last fight scene in CM was hilarious and a jab at how overlong the final battle was in Wonder Woman.

05-29-2019, 12:48 PM
Both Ant-Man movies are highly entertaining, and so was Captain Marvel.

Also the last fight scene in CM was hilarious and a jab at how overlong the final battle was in Wonder Woman.

Please delete from internet before Skitch finds this.

05-29-2019, 02:15 PM
Eh, it's like Irish watched a completely different movie for me. What he describes does not compute.

05-29-2019, 06:57 PM
Please delete from internet before Skitch finds this.

You still don't get it. Or you do and you're trolling.

05-29-2019, 07:17 PM
You still don't get it. Or you do and you're trolling.

You've never really fully explained it other than, I guess, only myself isn't allowed to say anything negative about DC because, I'm too mean? (Even if what I say is "factual[ly] accurate" .. I'm quoting you here)

How many DC films do I need to like before I can criticize such films?

05-29-2019, 07:28 PM
You troll people, then deny it when called on it. It can be grating.

I think that’s all there is to get...

05-29-2019, 07:37 PM
You troll people, then deny it when called on it. It can be grating.

I think that’s all there is to get...

Then what happened here?


05-29-2019, 07:38 PM
Also, maybe I deny it because it's not true? Trolling is intentional and is deliberate towards someone. The post I linked to above was adding to the conversation about the twitter convo and critic tweets, wasn't directed towards anyone and was on topic.

05-29-2019, 08:01 PM
For the dozenth time, you insult the fans while denying damn near any criticism of anything in the MCU. Its the definition of fanboydom. I doesn't both me when you or anyone criticizes the DCEU or the films.

Also for the dozenth time, I do not take the tweets of jackass Marvel fanboys on twitter as indicative of their fan base. For DC, you do. And you lash out at it here with the snark. Heck, just look at your posts today. Asking my permission for your opinion? Asking how many DC you have to like before you can speak? WTF are you even talking about? Again, it must be lashing out at some twitter trolls causing it.

05-29-2019, 08:04 PM
Also, maybe I deny it because it's not true? Trolling is intentional and is deliberate towards someone.

SO you have today though, right?

05-29-2019, 08:14 PM
For the dozenth time, you insult the fans while denying damn near any criticism of anything in the MCU. Its the definition of fanboydom. I doesn't both me when you or anyone criticizes the DCEU or the films.

Also for the dozenth time, I do not take the tweets of jackass Marvel fanboys on twitter as indicative of their fan base. For DC, you do. And you lash out at it here with the snark. Heck, just look at your posts today. Asking my permission for your opinion? Asking how many DC you have to like before you can speak? WTF are you even talking about? Again, it must be lashing out at some twitter trolls causing it.

See I dont know what you're talking about here. It's like we are meeting for the first time today. If you've read ANY of my posts/reviews on the MCU, I've highly criticized the two of the best reviewed marvel films in the last year and ranked one of them towards the bottom of my list. I did insult the fans on twitter. THe ones attacking Drew. I agree with that, but how it connects to you is where I lose you. You seem to think it's all inclusive or something.

And I asked your permission because I honestly don't know which way you're going to take my post! That's the truth of it! You jumped in on that conversation and took personal offense to it. Who's to say you won't do that anywhere? If I posted my actual thoughts on Superman IV, is Skitch going to get mad at me?

SO you have today though, right?

So joking/ribbing = troll to you? That's sad Skitch. You don't ever sit around with your buddies and bust balls? Ever been inside a locker room in your life? Trolling is something you do maliciously. Not something you do towards someone you like.

Edit: The thing that's lost in all of this is I'm still a DC fan. The joke being if I wasn't allowed to criticize the Red Sox for last night's loss.

05-29-2019, 08:25 PM
I wasn't personally remotely offended on either front. Nor was I mad. But you think I am. So I guess we're both just projecting on each other?

Joking/ribbing is fine. But you have to remember its text. Tone can be lost. And I guess I need to remember to.

05-29-2019, 08:27 PM
Possibly. I need you in my life Skitch. Good and bad criticism. I want it all. I also want a connected DC universe to succeed as much as you do.

05-29-2019, 08:30 PM
I think that Valiant Bloodshot movie with Vin Diesel is the silliest weirdest idea in a long time. I hope it makes a billion dollars, because I want ALL these movies to win so they keep making them.

05-29-2019, 08:53 PM
Also, maybe I deny it because it's not true? Trolling is intentional and is deliberate towards someone. The post I linked to above was adding to the conversation about the twitter convo and critic tweets, wasn't directed towards anyone and was on topic.

It’s a single example in a sea of troll posts.

I wasn’t referencing any one particular post by you, just generalizing.

05-29-2019, 08:54 PM
I wasn't personally remotely offended on either front. Nor was I mad. But you think I am. So I guess we're both just projecting on each other?

Joking/ribbing is fine. But you have to remember its text. Tone can be lost. And I guess I need to remember to.


Ya bastard.

05-29-2019, 09:00 PM
It’s a single example in a sea of troll posts.

Or you might say Duke is nothing more than a BULLSHIT ARTIST.

05-29-2019, 10:14 PM
Or you might say Duke is nothing more than a BULLSHIT ARTIST.

He probably makes olive oil in his bedroom.

05-30-2019, 06:28 AM
And I thought I took things too seriously on this site. Wow. Plus I am really not around enough anymore.

05-30-2019, 06:30 AM
Btw I prefer Wonder Woman over Captain Marvel and I loved Man of Steel. I also enjoyed Justice League, however BVS was an entertaining mess that needed a better script and Suicide Squad was awful. I have not seen Aquaman yet.