View Full Version : Castlevania (Season 1)

07-07-2017, 07:27 PM
Already renewed for Season 2. Only 4 episodes. But the first episode is the tits. Watch it.


07-07-2017, 07:42 PM
I'm on this ASAP.

07-07-2017, 10:05 PM
It's on like Donkey Kong.

EDIT: Fucking autocorrect

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Ezee E
07-07-2017, 10:55 PM
Where can one watch?

07-07-2017, 11:09 PM
Is this animated or live action?

07-07-2017, 11:40 PM


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Ivan Drago
07-08-2017, 03:01 AM
I never would have thought such a violent animated show would be produced by the same studio that made The Fairly Oddparents.

Two episodes in. It's awesome so far.

07-08-2017, 03:46 AM
This was great stuff. Can't believe how much it didn't hold back from the gore. Also, it's just unbelievably beautiful in design. Some of the writing is hit or miss (mostly good, tho), but it knows when to be quiet and when to speak. The action animation is fleet and invigorating. And it can be weirdly funny at times. Good voice acting too. Hope the second season delivers just as well.

07-08-2017, 05:19 PM
Kinda weird that they didn't just cut the whole thing together as a movie.

07-08-2017, 06:11 PM
Kinda weird that they didn't just cut the whole thing together as a movie.

I concur. Felt kind of like a prequel to a true season.

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Philip J. Fry
07-10-2017, 10:14 AM
Gorgeously animated, great action sequences, good voice acting, tons of fun, but dude, only four episodes? Good thing it was renewed.

Morris Schæffer
07-12-2017, 04:40 PM
Well, this is kinda cool.

http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/07/feature_castlevania_show_produ cer_adi_shankar_on_respecting_ fandom_and_future_seasons

Creator Adi Shankar wants to also create A Metroid TV series. Shit, didn't even know there's already an Assassin's Creed coming.

07-13-2017, 07:19 PM
Agreed with the sentiments that this feels more like a prequel to an actual series, which I assume will begin with season 2. That said, what we get here is damn good, as much of a tease as it all may be in the end. I do dig the shorter format, however.

07-13-2017, 11:40 PM
Kinda weird that they didn't just cut the whole thing together as a movie.

Thinking on this, I think it just has to do with the nature of how the season progresses, which is all basically set-up for a second season. As a prologue to future seasons of television, it kinda sorta works, even though it's hardly a complete story. But as a movie, it really wouldn't work at all, seeing as how, as opposed to having a beginning, a middle, and an end, the whole thing is all just "beginning". There's not a complete story here to pull together as a movie, but as a brief series of episodes to set up a second season, yeah, that actually kinda makes more sense, considering what we got here.

07-14-2017, 12:06 AM
For all the video games that have been adapted into (mostly terrible) movies, Castlevania has been noticeably absent. We've seen TV shows and a movie about a certain plumber who hops on reptiles for crying out loud, where's our vampire hunter? And while we're at it, where's Samus and Metroid? Maybe it's a Nintendo thing. At any rate, its overdue, and deciding to go fully adult animated instead of watered down live-action was a wise choice.

In the interest of honesty, I want it known up front that I haven't played much of the games. I've watched people play them, I am familiar with the lore, but to say I'm an expert (or even a regular) would be an overstatement. The core of the games seems to be that each entry jumps all over the place of the time line, and at some point a Belmont kills a Dracula. So bear that in mind when it comes to my perspective of the show’s relation to the game.

I was disappointed when I saw there was only four episodes, and before I spend a few paragraphs slobbering all over how much I enjoyed the series, lets get the biggest flaw out of the way. This should not have been a series. It should have been a movie. Four twenty minute episodes as a season? It would have worked better as a film. I’m sure there must have been a reason to make it in show form, probably with the hopes of banking off putting it on a network. If so, hey, whatever you have to do, go for it. If my options are having this as a show or not having it, I’ll take it any way I can. The only other gripe I have is that I WANT MORE AND I WANT IT NOW. These four episodes play like a prequel to the real gambit that is ahead. Again, if you’re gripe is that you want more, that may not be a fault of the show. “Leave them wanting more” is a staple of entertainment.

Are you into the supernatural? Monsters? Magic? Vampires? Demon armies from hell? Gore? Gore? Gore? Well, friends, Castlevania is right up your alley. Being as short as the episodes were, it may be silly to say that one episode was a smidge slow, because if this was combined as a movie it would’ve equated to ten minutes of story building. I would bet good money there will be a physical media release of the first season being cut into a movie. I’m derailing again. Okay, so have I mentioned gore? Oh multiple times. Yes, it is gory. To the max. No man, woman, baby, or intestine is safe from having some hellspawn flinging it against a wall to smear oozy gooey nastiness all over the place. Every time I thought it was letting up, they would double down on something gross and I loved it.

The voice acting was all on point, and the dialogue worked great for me. The animation was fantastic. The action scenes (especially the last episode) were totally badass. [Warning: spoiler free vague-speak ahead.] I loathed the sub-villains as I should, I enjoyed the good guys, and I felt a great pity/sympathy for the really big bad villain. To make you understand their reasons for wanting to slaughter every one but knowing at some point they have to be stopped…that’s good drama.

I am very glad that season two was green lit the day season one hit Netflix. Bring it on. I’m already looking forward to rewatching this. Like Dante’s Inferno, it is chock full of gore and crazy horrorness, but unlike that film it doesn’t leave you feeling gross and depressed. I want more and I want it now. Until then, I have moved the upcoming SuperNES Mini to the top of my want list for Christmas, because daddy needs to slay some supernatural abominations.

07-14-2017, 08:49 PM
Just some more random thoughts, but thinking on it, 4 episodes is probably just a bit too short to really expect a full story to be able to be told, but I honestly wouldn't be opposed at all if they only upped the next season by 2 and made it a 6 episode series. I like to point out FLCL as my go-to example of this working, which at only 6 episodes in length (at least, until the 2nd and 3rd seasons arrive >_>), still remains one of the best all around television series I've ever seen. It's the absolute perfect length to tell their complete story and fully flesh out all of the characters to a satisfactory degree, and yet despite cramming in as much as they do in the series, it never feels like they're trying to do too much, nor does the show feel like it's cutting itself short by limiting itself to such a small number of episodes. It's a complete package, and yeah, while that show's totally a different beast entirely from what you typically expect from most shows, it shows just exactly how much you can accomplish in a short span of time, so long as you use it all wisely.

And yeah, now that this season of Castlevania exists to essentially get all our main character introductions out of the way, I could totally see them doing the next season in a similarly small number of episodes that really takes advantage of the time they have to tell their story and really make it leave an impact.

07-21-2017, 01:04 PM
So season 2 has been confirmed to be doubled in episodes.