View Full Version : Tangerine (Sean Baker)

08-15-2015, 03:29 PM

08-15-2015, 03:34 PM
Vibrant and awash with color--it's the sort of film that isn't always interested in telling the story one wants it to (what it means to be transgendered today)--but it'll likely remain more interesting and more powerful for that choice. After Starlet I'll follow Baker anywhere, and this one reconfirms his mastery at pace with music and image, and in just great comedic moments (the taxi driver's seduction that is not to be with one of the sex workers).

And he knows when to settle down, too. The langor of the car wash scene was solid, and while I think Baker doesn't know how to close out with the taxi driver's narrative, it'll have images that remain for some time to come.

05-23-2016, 06:21 PM
Pretty great. The fact that it was shot on three iPhones took me by surprise but on retrospect it explains why every shot is done with a wide lens. The colors look amazing all things considered. I haven't seen Starlet but I liked this movie a lot. Its political uncorrectness and the way it advanced the story through gags and extended sequences of confusion were welcome.