View Full Version : Kung Fury (David Sandberg)

Henry Gale
06-05-2015, 01:22 AM
The (31-minute) movie itself:


IMDb (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3472226/) / Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kung_Fury)


06-06-2015, 08:14 PM
This surpassed my expectations. The relentlesness of the comedy is really its biggest selling point. And TriceraCop, by Merlin's beard!

Pop Trash
06-08-2015, 12:50 AM
This was pretty amusing after a few tokes, even if I prefer the real deal (Kickboxer, Road House, Miami Connection, etc.) The countless layers of CGI also makes it a better parody of early 90s video games (Double Dragon etc.) than a parody of 75-95 era analog action movies imo.

A lot of the people I follow on letterboxd have been pretty harsh on it and mentioned some Australian TV show that did this type of thing better? I dunno.

EDIT: apparently that show is called "Danger 5"

Ivan Drago
06-24-2015, 03:52 PM
Glorious. Simply glorious.