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View Full Version : Two Days, One Night (Dardenne Brothers)

02-01-2015, 07:15 AM
Two Days, One Night

Director: Jean-Pierre Dardenne & Luc Dardenne

imdb (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2737050/combined)

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjIyMzczMDI0NF5BMl5BanBnXk FtZTgwNjI5Nzk3MTE@._V1_SX640_S Y720_.jpg

02-03-2015, 07:16 PM
First one to comment? I guess there's not really all that much to say, except that Cotillard is excellent and that the Dardennes excel at this type of drama. They are some of the most consistently good filmmakers around.

02-03-2015, 08:03 PM
Something I really like: a lot of people have really inadequate understanding of what depression is and have a hard time seeing a depressed character in films because the illness tends to make them passive, whereas fiction usually demands protagonists to be active. This film, however, shows us that she has little kids who will be homeless if she doesn't do this, making it a battle between her own well being and her maternal responsibility, without resorting to the problematic "beat depression by getting yourself together to snap out of it!" trope that stories about sad people typically devolve into. It actually uses her depression as the basis of her heroism, which I thought was very clever.

02-04-2015, 03:32 PM
Something I really like: a lot of people have really inadequate understanding of what depression is and have a hard time seeing a depressed character in films because the illness tends to make them passive, whereas fiction usually demands protagonists to be active. This film, however, shows us that she has little kids who will be homeless if she doesn't do this, making it a battle between her own well being and her maternal responsibility, without resorting to the problematic "beat depression by getting yourself together to snap out of it!" trope that stories about sad people typically devolve into. It actually uses her depression as the basis of her heroism, which I thought was very clever.
This is true! I was reminded more than a few times of that "clean all the things" comic.

02-15-2015, 02:15 PM
Really good stuff. I'm reminded of reverseshot's review (http://reverseshot.org/reviews/entry/1884/two_days) and the degree to which dialogue takes on a liturgical dimension by the recitation here. I like how Cotillard physically withdraws so much early on, and the way in which the film doesn't resolve itself in any grand way; it's a quiet affirmation, but still revealing the struggle that's set to happen.

I saw a little less of the Dardenne camera shot, following along behind Sandra, and am wondering if they're moving just a little bit away from that conventionality.

02-01-2016, 04:48 PM
This was hugely affecting for me, as someone who has been through the experience of losing a job. I loved the little surprises along the way as Sandra tracked down each of her targets. Over the course of the film, you really feel the weight of her mission and how exhausting it must be. Perfect ending.