View Full Version : Halt and Catch Fire Season 1

06-02-2014, 01:48 AM
Well, I mostly tuned it because I have some trust in AMC and I absolutely adore Lee Pace. But the pilot, at least, didn't feel very assured to me. There were moments that were either interesting or promising, but plenty of times as a viewer I was lost or (worse) bored. They are certainly pushing Pace as another antihero lead, but even with his charms Joe's arrogance, manipulation and awkwardness make it difficult to care about his quest.

Other times I got lost without enough information. For example, the scene where Joe is destroying an area with a baseball bat-- I have no earthly clue where he was. I thought maybe his apartment, but then I thought it looked more like an office. However, nobody mentioned the office being all torn up. I might have cared more about the scene if I'd had any idea what he was destroying.

The two secondary leads are more promising, although I sure am getting tired of AMC and their obligatory shrill, nagging, dream-destroying wives. Side note-- they totally recast the elder of Gordon's daughter mid-filming, because sometimes it was the kid from Ben & Kate and sometimes it wasn't. She's only credited for one episode, which is too bad, because I liked the kid from Ben & Kate.

When the show worked, though, it was intriguing. The entire reverse-engineering sequence was really cool.

The show has promise, but I think it needs to figure itself out soon.

06-08-2014, 08:52 PM
I tuned in for Lee Pace.
Agreed with pretty much everything you've said, Mara. By the way, there's a neat article in this week's Entertainment Weekly about the female characters on the show.
I'll keep watching...for Lee Pace. (I have this uncanny ability to only watch the AMC shows that don't succeed--Rubicon, Low Winter Sun.)

06-09-2014, 08:01 PM
This show isn't going to get better, is it? The writing is bad.

06-17-2014, 01:31 PM
I made it halfway through the most recent episode and just had no interest left. What a disappointment.

06-19-2014, 10:40 PM
Ditto, Mara. I had it DVRed, so I just fast-forwarded through a bunch of it. Then there was this weird "twist" (if you can call it that) at the end that made no sense.

I love Lee Pace, but I can't help but feel he's miscast.

The only character I even remotely care about is the wife of the hardware guy.

06-21-2014, 06:50 PM
I like Pace and I think the blonde is sexy. That's about it.