View Full Version : Sightseers (Ben Wheatley)

08-30-2013, 08:01 AM

IMDb (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2023690/)

02-10-2014, 06:46 AM
I thought this was better than Down Terrace but not as good as Kill List. It has its humorous moments but Down Terrace is much funnier, and Sightseers works best as a cousin to Kill List. Some of the horrible moments that happen are shocking, and I think its more shocking that I wasn't disturbed by some of the horrible moments. The ending left me speechless. Ben Wheatley is a new favorite director of mine, and I can't wait to watch A Field In England.

Dead & Messed Up
09-22-2014, 04:58 AM
Occasionally quite funny and shocking, but its idea of alternating droll relationship comedy and shocking violence grew a bit dull over the runtime. The film's overall thematic idea is interesting - the idea the two people here are of an age and temperament that they hold onto each other out of loneliness instead of regard (and that this keeps them from truly acknowledging who the other person is (a sociopath)). And some of the shots looked purty. And cross-cutting some of the more important story beats (the first outright murder on a rocky outcropping) gave the film's style some extra oomph.

Credit to the film for vividly realizing these two people's desperation. If this is a comedy, it's one where laughing is firmly replaced by cringes and wincing. Surprising that David Brent never stops by.