View Full Version : My Mom's Nose Doesn't Work...

01-28-2008, 08:31 PM
She can't smell anything. Any. Thing. She's had allergies and sinus problems for many years and there's not a speck of air going through those cavities up there. She snores like she's choking. She says it even affects the way she tastes food. It's just basically a dead organ, vestigial before it's time. It's like that Simpsons episode with Sideshow Bob and Selma.

I have allergies just like her.

Celebrate your families' health problems that have a chance of being passed on to you!


01-28-2008, 08:35 PM
My dad's blood pressure destabilized in his early 20's, so he's been on all sorts of meds to keep that under control ever since. Otherwise, he'd have been dead a few decades ago. I've been told the chances are high that this would be passed on to me.

Which reminds me that I need to check my blood pressure...

Kurosawa Fan
01-28-2008, 08:58 PM
My grandmother on my mom's side has arthritic knees, which were passed on to me. I had to wear braces on my knees when I played soccer in high school. A doctor wanted to break my legs to try to correct the problem when I was 2, but my mom couldn't bear to do it. It wasn't guaranteed to fix the problem anyhow, so I don't blame her.

My dad doesn't have much hair, and mine is falling out fairly rapidly. My grandmother on his side suffers from Macular Degeneration, which has a fair chance of being passed to me (especially since I have very bad astigmatism and I don't sleep with my eyes closed).

I'm just a mess. But I'm breathing, so I'll take it.

Kurious Jorge v3.1
01-28-2008, 09:06 PM
My grandmother on my mom's side had Schizophrenia.
My grandmother on my dad's side has Parkinson's disease.
My grandfather on my dad's side has Alzheimer's.
My dad is bald.

I'm doomed!

01-28-2008, 09:24 PM
Has she been tested for polyps?

I've had to have surgery on my sinuses twice because of them.

01-28-2008, 09:25 PM
Every man in my family back three generations has been divorced at least once! :pritch:

01-28-2008, 09:36 PM
Has she been tested for polyps?

I've had to have surgery on my sinuses twice because of them.

Oh she's got polyps out the ass, err nose. She's a nurse, btw. She had surgery for it once before ten years ago and they've built back up. She's having the surgery again at the end of this month.

Oh and I love how energetic everyone is so far in this thread. That's exactly what I was hoping for. Well that, and Rowland's comment: "Which reminds me that I need to check my blood pressure..." Ding ding ding! Another reason why I started this thread. :D

01-28-2008, 09:37 PM
A doctor wanted to break my legs to try to correct the problem when I was 2, but my mom couldn't bear to do it.

Ow ow ow! Good thing you were 2. If you had been older that scene woulda gone like this:

"I'd like to break your legs..."
"Funny, I was having the same thought about you..."

01-28-2008, 09:47 PM
I always feel like I should have been one of those stereotypically nerdy kids with asthma and myriad allergies to peanuts and cats and the like. It feels like somehow my destiny got mixed up like that. Somewhere, there's a 25-year-old good-looking jock who curses his inhaler. Everyone else in my family has and has had more health problems than me by my age.

The one thing I'm assured of is back problems. It's a family tradition!

I haven't seen a doctor of any stripe in over five years. Medical in six.

01-29-2008, 02:12 AM
In New Zealand, I had pretty bad asthma. Pretty much any time I did any exercise, or the occasional midnight attacks.

New Zealand's a pretty clean country, as you can imagine.

Moved to Korea, which is cramped, crowded and dirty, with poor air quality. Took a bunch of inhalers with me in readiness. Stepped off the plane.....and haven't had asthma here in 6 years.

I assume I have either a pollen allergy or the asthma is a symptom of my cat allergy.

01-29-2008, 05:38 AM
allergy. on a bad day i hate my nose. i get this from my dad.

01-29-2008, 06:17 AM
My maternal grandfather had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, congestive heart failure, cataracts, and colon cancer. My paternal grandfather has glaucoma, and had triple bypass surgery. My paternal grandmother has diabetes and sciatic nerve problems. My mother has diabetes, fibromyalgia, and high blood pressure. My maternal grandmother and my father are relatively healthy, though. :) We all wear glasses, we're all myopic and suffer from macular degeneration. My parents and all my grandparents have worn at least bifocals; my paternal grandfather has had to wear trifocals for a very long time.

01-29-2008, 06:23 AM
My Dad has hypertension, but he takes some pills and his blood pressure stays near healthy levels. One of my uncles has some rare form of cancer, but apparently it's not hereditary. My mom's family has bad eyesight, but my eyes seem fine. I've never worn glasses. In fact, I'm ridiculously healthy. I guess my skin scars a little easier than most people's does.

/famous last words.

01-29-2008, 02:32 PM
My paternal Grandmother had alzheimers in her 70s. My maternal grandfather died of a massive heart-attack while driving with my grandmother when he was 65 years old. Heart and brain trouble are things I need to be cognizant of.

Also, my father was a tippy-toe walker as a child, and I was too, and so is my daughter. And with the advances in Physical and Occupational Therapy that have taken place since I was a kid, she has been diagnosed with a condition called Sensory Processing Disorder, or SPD for short. Don't worry, it's not as bad as it sounds. She just has trouble dealing with certain sensory input.

Her therapy leads me to wonder if I didn't have the same condition as a child, and since back then there was no diagnosis for SPD (Occupational Therapy is a relatively new discipline, and SPD isn't even officially recognized by the AMA yet), my condition wasn't recognized until too late, when my lower leg muscles were underdeveloped and my achilles tendon was too tight.

I needed to get surgery to correct my tippy-toe walking, which is a drag, so I'm quite pleased that Cami's OT and PT will allow her to dodge that bullet.

I betcha if the sorta treatments that are available to Cami were available to me as a kid, I wouldn't have had to go under the knife or wear all those annoying casts.