View Full Version : The Match-Cut Wiki Info Thread

12-04-2010, 03:58 PM
Copied from the Announcement:

http://match-cut.wikispaces.com (http://match-cut.wikispaces.com/)

Go and check it out. One there, you need to first create a Wikispaces account and then on the Match-cut wiki page, click "Join this wiki" at the top of the left-hand sidebar. As a member of the wiki, you will be able to edit and add to the wiki. I will need to first approve your membership.

Make sure to check out the "Film Database." It has a star ratings widget so we can aggregate our ratings on the five star system (sorry to you 100-point scale guys). Right now there are almost no films there but once we all join, hopefully we can start adding and get up a large DB. There is also a section to add your reviews.

I will also be creating in the Maintenance sub-forum a thread detailing some of the formatting requirements so we can all start to add films to the database as well as create pages for your reviews. So look out for it.


Alright. So, please everyone join and first important request, use your forum username.

Second point, every member can edit and add pages. So, you may correct wrong information, update consensus lists, add new pages and so forth.

This also means, and most importantly, you can add films to the database. However, when doing so, please keep the same formatting as I have started.


Select "New Page" from the left-hand sidebar.
Name the page with this formatting:
Film Name (Year, Director's Last Name)
Also, because this is being alphabetized, "The", "A", and "An" get put at the end after a comma.
Squid and the Whale, The (2005, Baumbach)
Add Tags for Director's last name, year and country
Add Tags: Baumbach, 2005, United States
Hit "Create"
Type the name of the film in caps with font size "Heading 2"
Add the Year in "Normal" font underneath
Add the Director in "Normal" from underneath Year
Add a link to the imdb page underneath Director

Hit the "Link" icon and go to the second tab, "External link."
Name the link "imdb page"
Skip one line

Select Widget icon
Select "Other" from bottom of widget list
In the text block, copy and paste the following HTML:
<div id="pd_rating_holder_3353180"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
PDRTJS_settings_3353180 = {
"id" : "3353180",
"unique_id" : "default",
"title" : "",
"permalink" : ""
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://i.polldaddy.com/ratings/rating.js"></script>
Notice: You MUST change the "default" next to "unique_id" to the name of the film. Like so:
"unique_id" : "Squid and the Whale",

Save the widget.
Skip another line beneath the widget.
In font size "Header 3" type "User Reviews"
Click "Save" to create the page.
Now, go to "Film Database" page and select the correct letter for the film's name.
This will link you to the page listing all films starting with that letter. Click "Edit" for this page.
Find where the film belongs alphabetically, and insert a new link where it belongs. In the Link window, use the first tab called "Wiki Link" and in the "Page Name" field, search for the film's page you created, and one found, hit Add Link.
Save the changes to the page.

You're done.I would ask that if there are any major changes you would like, please bring them up here before implementing them. But remember, this is everyone's Wiki, so you do all have the power to make decisions, particularly regarding the formatting (EXCEPT the film database).


12-04-2010, 04:06 PM
Another thing...

To add a review:

Create a page
Title the page like so:
Film Name - Your User Name
Example: Duel - Raiders
Please no pictures in the review unless necessary
Save the page when you are finished
Open the film's page in the database
Click "Edit"
Underneath the "User Reviews" section, create a link to your review page
Name the link just your user name.
Save the changes to the film's page.

12-04-2010, 06:03 PM
I've added a section for the yearly awards and created the 2007 page.

In general, I have done most of what I'm inclined to. It took a good long while set it up and get the info, so I'm going to leave it to you guys for now. Hopefully it is a success.

12-04-2010, 10:41 PM
So its okay if we start adding reviews? And I had to go back to my old RT name with the _731 because "MadMan" was taken.

12-05-2010, 12:15 AM
You're good to go. Everyone should start! I can't fill up this DB on my own.

12-05-2010, 02:07 AM
Okay, I just thought I would ask before going crazy. Hopefully this ends up more like the Axis' review website they launched, which was great (but sadly short lived), and less like the FDT page that ended up failing (although that was partly due to the fact that we moved to the Axis because RT is a terrible website). Kudos to Raiders for finally getting it up and running.

12-05-2010, 03:18 AM
Okay, I just thought I would ask before going crazy. Hopefully this ends up more like the Axis' review website they launched, which was great (but sadly short lived), and less like the FDT page that ended up failing (although that was partly due to the fact that we moved to the Axis because RT is a terrible website). Kudos to Raiders for finally getting it up and running.

Well, it's free, so it's not going anywhere. It's an easy, accessible and convenient place to store all our lists and awards and such.

As for the database, it really just depends on whether people here really care about it or not. I thought it was pretty cool to do, but I can't be the only one updating and adding to it. I added over 50 films today, but that won't happen every day.

12-05-2010, 04:14 PM
This is badass.

12-05-2010, 05:57 PM
Haven't had a chance to really delve into it yet, but this is a cool idea.

Ezee E
12-05-2010, 06:01 PM
I'm waiting until we get a wiki on each member.

12-05-2010, 07:32 PM
There's already a user with my name. :|

12-05-2010, 09:06 PM
I added a couple of films. But when I named the pages, I did (director, year) rather than (year, director). Any way to change this easily without starting over?

EDIT: Never mind. Think I got it.

12-05-2010, 09:25 PM
added my first movie... can anyone guess which one it is?

12-05-2010, 11:10 PM
Well, it's free, so it's not going anywhere. It's an easy, accessible and convenient place to store all our lists and awards and such.Sweet. And I was just noting the past efforts at something like this.

As for the database, it really just depends on whether people here really care about it or not. I thought it was pretty cool to do, but I can't be the only one updating and adding to it. I added over 50 films today, but that won't happen every day.When I get time over break I'll add some reviews, including commentary for my Top 10.

There's already a user with my name. :|Glad to know I wasn't the only one who had this problem. The other MadMan must be destroyed :shifty:

12-05-2010, 11:36 PM
added my first movie... can anyone guess which one it is?

I cheated. I clicked 'Recent Changes'.

12-06-2010, 03:55 PM
I noticed that unfortunately the ratings widget for the films doesn't tell you whether you voted nor does it display what you voted. Nonetheless, it will only allow one vote per IP address so if you accidentally vote twice, you'll notice the total votes doesn't increase when you vote again.

12-06-2010, 08:18 PM
This is good stuff. Can we maybe add tags to the films in the database for perhaps year, country, and director?

Perhaps we should add links to threads on the forum specific to the film on the film's info page?

12-06-2010, 08:40 PM
This is good stuff. Can we maybe add tags to the films in the database for perhaps year, country, and director?

That's a good idea. I'll add a new "rule" that all new films should have tags. It will make searching easier

Perhaps we should add links to threads on the forum specific to the film on the film's info page?

Maybe, but it seems a little unnecessary. Any film in the database is less than a minute away and it would be tedious to try and retroactively link all the films.

12-06-2010, 08:51 PM
I added the procedure for Tags. As a note, I used "United States" for the US and for British films I used UK. Just as a note so we can have uniformity.

12-06-2010, 08:54 PM
Maybe, but it seems a little unnecessary. Any film in the database is less than a minute away and it would be tedious to try and retroactively link all the films.

I think I might've said this backwards. Or I don't know what the hell I said in that word vomit, actually. I think it might be neat to go to, say, The Dark Knight's database page and be provided with a link to our 600-page trainwreck about it.