View Full Version : Sleeping Habits

12-02-2008, 10:14 PM
I usually sleep on my stomach. I can also sleep on either side, but usually not for very long. Spooning for warmth or pleasure is a given. Sleeping on my back is the most infrequent position for me...usually when I'm under the weather and/or have a head cold...unless I have a bout with insomnia. That used to happen a lot when I was younger, but much less frequently now. Unless I'm medicated, I'm usually a light sleeper and an early riser. It's not unusual for me to wake between 3 and 4 and drift in and out of consciousness until I rise for work at 6. I really don't need an alarm clock anymore. If I get in bed at a decent hour, my body clock works just fine.

I have never experienced sleep paralysis. I have never astral-projected, tho I have long wanted to experience the feeling of hovering over myself and watching me as I lie motionless.

I dream frequently. Usually, I awaken after especially vivid dreams and think to myself, "Damn, that was weird." I suppose I should keep a journal by my bedside so I can record my dreams when I awaken suddenly because I usually don't remember them unless a dream occurs just before my final morning awakening. When I was a child, I discovered that by eating chocolate ice cream late at night and then going to bed, I would dream my ass off, just like some of my psychotropic indulgences later in life. Sadly, it doesn't work for me as an adult.


12-02-2008, 10:22 PM
I always sleep on my stomach. I have a bit of a bad back and neck and though I'm not sure it makes much sense, it feels much better to sleep on my stomach.

I assume I dream as much as everyone else (supposedly almost everyone has at least 4-5 dreams per night), but I rarely remember them.

I usually get about 7 hours of sleep. 11pm - 6am every weekday. A little more on the weekends.

12-02-2008, 10:25 PM
I have never experienced sleep paralysis. I have never astral-projected, tho I have long wanted to experience the feeling of hovering over myself and watching me as I lie motionless.


Lots and lots of times.

Oh the stories I could tell...

For a year-long period I was 'haunted' by something. I woke up many times completely paralyzed, I saw ghostly shadows in my room (one spoke to me), had a number of out of body experiences, and had one close-encounter that sends chills of the spines of anyone who hears the tale.

The last time this happened, one of the figures sat on my bed and said to me "It's time to wake up."

Nothing strange has happened to me since.


Anyhow, I tend to sleep on my stomach as well, with pillows on top of my head. I like the feeling of being in a cave.

I usually have a couple of dogs and a cat around me, and my wife of course.

12-02-2008, 10:26 PM
People sleep on their stomach? Weirdos.

I always sleep on my side with a pillow between my legs.

I usually go to bed around 2am and wake up at 10am.

12-02-2008, 10:32 PM
I sleep either on my back or on my side. I'm not really sure which I do more often as it usually takes a good deal of back-and-forth for me to finally get to sleep. Sometimes I wake up on my stomach and my spine aches and I'm drooling all over my pillow. That's rare. I sleep on two pillows, but one's really thin.

I get right around 6 hours of sleep a night on weeknights, 2am-8am. Or at least that's my aim. Truthfully, it's usually closer to five. I don't get much more on the weekends.

It's infinitely easier for me to rise in the summer when the sun is fully shining than in the winter when it's gray or dark when I awake.

I've only had a few incidents of sleep paralysis. They were terrifying.

I usually have one dream a night that I remember, though usually not for long. They tend to be quite vivid and surprisingly coherent and narrative in nature.

When I was younger, I had a very vivid and disturbing nightmare about once a month. At about eight, I had one that played out like a fucked up, depraved episode of each Disney Afternoon show, save Darkwing Duck. I fervently prayed to not have a DW nightmare, since it at least temporarily soured my relationship with the other shows.

Ezee E
12-02-2008, 10:37 PM
Side or stomach while I'm in bed, but I can easily fall asleep on my back on a couch or recliner. If I sleep on my side, I usually tuck a blanket or pillow between the legs.

The amount of sleep is impossible to figure out. I get less sleep than I should. If I'm able to sleep in, I'll usually wake up around 9.

Unless it's an alarm, I won't wake up until I just wake up on my own, in which case I'll usually take a gigantic piss.

When I do have dreams, they are very vivid, and strange, and I'll usually wake up in a heavy sweat. I'll forget them after a day.

Kurosawa Fan
12-02-2008, 10:41 PM
I go to sleep anywhere from 11 pm to 1 am. I sleep on my back and/or sides (most frequently my right side). I'm on the left side of our bed, so basically I'm either facing the ceiling or the wall. I love relaxing on my stomach, just flopping into bed and laying that way for awhile, but I can't sleep like that.

I don't dream. Or I should say, I very rarely remember my dreams. When I do, they're nightmares. I can't remember ever remembering a good dream in the morning. I wake up every morning at 6 am whether I want to or not. Sometimes I can fall back to sleep, other times I can't, which sucks if I went to bed at one. I have to be up at 8:30 am to start getting ready for work, but often my kids wake me up before that (usually just by being their rowdy selves early in the morning).

Oh, and if my wife isn't home, or I'm feeling restless, I sleep with the TV on. I fall asleep watching ESPN most times, that or some sporting event. In fact, a couple times a month I'd say, I sleep the entire night on the couch. But our couches rock. My wife is never happy with me when I do this, even though it means she gets the bed to herself.

12-02-2008, 10:46 PM
Lots and lots of times.

Oh the stories I could tell...

For a year-long period I was 'haunted' by something. I woke up many times completely paralyzed, I saw ghostly shadows in my room (one spoke to me), had a number of out of body experiences, and had one close-encounter that sends chills of the spines of anyone who hears the tale.

The last time this happened, one of the figures sat on my bed and said to me "It's time to wake up."

Nothing strange has happened to me since.

That's awesome. I would love to have experienced something like that (Although I don't know why as it sounds fairly terrifying). :)

I mentioned insomnia earlier. Is that ever a problem for anyone? When I was younger, I remember one instance when I went to bed at the usual time, 11 or 12, and I lay awake for the entire morning...every hour looking over at the red digital numbers on the alarm clock and watching them change (2, 3, 4, 5, etc), completely unable to fall asleep. Watching the numbers change would drive me nuts. I didn't know what to attribute it to because at that time, I was in a pretty good place, life-wise (ie, no undue stress, etc.)

When that night occurred, I thought to myself, "I'm so fucking exhausted that tonight I'll be able to doze right off." Guess what? Two nights in a row, exact same thing. Clock-watching until the sun rose the next morning.

The third night I passed right out. Thank God. Insomnia is not a pleasant thing. Nowadays I won't give it a chance. Purple Jesus (holla if you're a believer) is my friend.

Kurosawa Fan
12-02-2008, 10:47 PM
Oh, and it generally takes me about five minutes to fall asleep, unless I'm having a bad night and fall asleep on the couch.

12-02-2008, 10:49 PM
Oh, and it generally takes me about five minutes to fall asleep, unless I'm having a bad night and fall asleep on the couch.
Really? I never fall asleep in five minutes. [/jealous]

Ezee E
12-02-2008, 10:50 PM
I fear insomnia, but usually I'm so tired that I can fall asleep pretty quickly. I've been told that I fall asleep within a minute of putting my head on the pillow.

Watching TV, I'll fall asleep, but usually wake up within 30 minutes or so, and just turn the TV off, and go to my bed.

Kurosawa Fan
12-02-2008, 10:51 PM
Really? I never fall asleep in five minutes. [/jealous]

My wife is very jealous as well. It takes her forever to fall asleep. I can't wait for her to post in this thread. When we first got married, her sleeping habits were the butt of many jokes. She's much better now, but she better fess up to how she used to be.

12-02-2008, 10:53 PM
I would hate to fall asleep in 5 minutes. The best part is laying in bed in complete silence and darkness for 15-20 minutes just thinking to yourself about your day and other random thoughts and then BAM, out of the blue, you wake up and realize that 5 hours has already passed.

Ezee E
12-02-2008, 10:54 PM
Another curse, and blessing, is that I can be both a morning and a night person.

I can stay up until 2 AM easily, then wake up at 6, shower, and be wide awake by the time I leave the house.

But there are some days where I lose the power of one of those. That sucks.

12-02-2008, 10:54 PM
I would hate to fall asleep in 5 minutes. The best part is laying in bed in complete silence and darkness for 15-20 minutes just thinking to yourself about your day and other random thoughts and then BAM, out of the blue, you wake up and realize that 5 hours has already passed.
Now see, this is me. Definitely.

12-02-2008, 10:56 PM
I experience insomnia frequently. Been battling a mild case for about a month now. Not extreme, I still get some sleep, but I usually wake up for a few hours every night.

I have a hard time turning off my mind. I am constantly thinking of something I want to read, write, or record.

I hate just laying around in bed, so if I wake up, and feel as if I am 'up', I will get out of bed and do something.

I also take lots of naps. I usually take a 20 minute nap at lunch, and I usually sleep for about 20 minutes while on the bus going home. I am a big fan of naps. I fall asleep super fast, and can sleep almost anywhere, with any amount of noise.

I also go to bed early. Usually around 10-11, sometimes 9:30. I like getting up early. I usually wake up at 5:30-6 am. I like having my mornings to myself. This morning I sat by the Christmas tree and read while drinking coffee and eating breakfast. It was great.

12-02-2008, 10:58 PM
That's awesome. I would love to have experienced something like that (Although I don't know why as it sounds fairly terrifying). :)

It was pretty scary for the first few months, but I got used to. I started to expect the visitations and stuff. It was a very odd time, that's for sure. Oh, and no drugs were involved.


12-02-2008, 11:04 PM
Some nights I still lay in bed for an hour or more before sleeping. It's rare, though. However, about six years ago it was a nightly thing. I couldn't sleep most nights until after two to four hours of trying to. Eventually, I said "screw it" and began getting about three or four hours of sleep a night by design. I was so tired that when I finally went to bed that I slept without much of a hitch. And I've slept more or less alright (and been sleep deprived) ever since.

Though I still usually take 10-30 minutes to fall asleep after going to bed. Even after I'm going directly to bed after falling asleep on my couch. That's annoying.

12-02-2008, 11:45 PM
I'm a stomach sleeper also, i can't fall asleep any other way. I also only sleep 5 hours a night unless it's a weekend i'll sleep 6. My body just wakes up 5 am for work and on weekends i just wake up at 6 automatically.

Kurosawa Fan
12-02-2008, 11:45 PM
I battled pretty severe insomnia my senior year of high school. I used to fall asleep at 4 am and have to be up at 6:30 or 7. It was awful. I went to some new age place downtown and got this herbal sleeping drink that tasted like absolute shit, but cured it completely in about a week. I would be out cold about 30 minutes after drinking it, and wouldn't wake up until the alarm went off.

12-02-2008, 11:50 PM
I have a two week old baby. Which means I don't sleep. :|

12-02-2008, 11:53 PM
I have trouble getting up most mornings so I try and set my alarm clock to the thing I would find the most unpleasant to listen to, since I'm often able to ignore loud bleeping and go back to sleep. At the moment it's set to a specific channel of radio static which sounds kind of like children screaming; it works okay.

12-02-2008, 11:56 PM
I have never battled insomnia, and my sleep schedule is very regular. I do usually fall asleep with the TV on, though.

I have also never had apparitions in my room or talking to me.

Sorry to be so boring.

12-03-2008, 12:12 AM
I also never have a problem waking up. My alarm goes off at 5:20am and i get up immediately turn it off and hop in the shower.

Boner M
12-03-2008, 12:16 AM
Sleep on my side, tend to wake up with a completely numb arm. Usually get to sleep at about 1AM, though I've been staying up 'til 3 for the last week now that the holiday's begun. I fucking hate mornings.

Dead & Messed Up
12-03-2008, 12:45 AM
In bed by 12, asleep by 1, up at 8:00, up again at 9:00. Stomach-sleeper.

I had issues with somnambulism for a while, and then it went away around college, but I recently had another episode. I "woke up" convinced that there were scorpions in my bed, so I screamed, shook the sheets, ran upstairs, then waited in my kitchen until I woke up for real.

12-03-2008, 12:49 AM
12 to 7ish.
No insomnia.
No other sleep disorders.
Snore occasionally, especially if very tired.

12-03-2008, 01:18 AM
I'm a total insomniac. It's been a problem my whole life. In university I gave into it entirely, stayed up until 4 or 5 on purpose and went to class at 9. Some days I passed out in the afternoon, but mostly I just went on a few hours of sleep and lots of caffeine. It's actually a pretty horrible state to live your life in.

Now I go to bed every night at 11, but don't fall asleep until 1 most nights. Wake up at 6 every morning.

Mornings are the worst thing in the world.

12-03-2008, 02:17 AM
My sleeping patterns are rather erratic, as my schedule and lifestyle are rather jumbled (and, currently, I'm sleeping on couches most of the week and an extremely comfortable bed the remaining two or three days). My sleeping position, however, remains the same, no matter where I pass out.

I sleep on my back and my head must be placed in the center of the pillow, with my face tilted to the right. The right side of my face has to be slightly propped up--a sheet folded in three often does the trick, but occasionally I'm forced to get creative (one particularly uncomfortable time it was a half-gone roll of paper towels).

Even when I go to sleep drunk, which is most nights, I attempt this set-up. If I'm not under some sort of influence, it can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 hours for me to fall asleep.

Oh, and the TV must be on. There are too many mortifying thoughts that past through my mind when I'm left alone, laying on my back, debilitated, in a dark room. I need distraction.

12-03-2008, 02:37 AM
My wife is very jealous as well. It takes her forever to fall asleep. I can't wait for her to post in this thread. When we first got married, her sleeping habits were the butt of many jokes. She's much better now, but she better fess up to how she used to be.


I sleep perfectly normally.

Kurosawa Fan
12-03-2008, 02:38 AM

I sleep perfectly normally.


12-03-2008, 02:45 AM
If you had lived with my parents you would have slept weird too.

My parents never ever tried to be quiet for anyone. And my room was really bright.

So I married KF having to wear earplugs and a blindfold to bed every night.

I got over those particular habits after having Dylan.

I do still sleep with one pillow in my arms and one in between my legs. I cannot stand the feeling of my legs skin on skin. I cannot wear pants to bed because they ride up on me. I cannot sleep naked, I cannot sleep with girly pajamas. I have to sleep in a big T shirt that comes just past my butt.

Every time I wake in the night to turn over (which is a lot) I have to pull the shirt back down under my butt because it rides up. I have vivid stupid dreams that I repeat to KF just to annoy him.

I cannot fall asleep easily. It usually takes me an hour. I wake up every night between 4 and 6 to pee without fail. I talk in my sleep sometimes. And it's always incoherent. I cannot sleep on my back. I cannot sleep anywhere but a nice warm bed. I need the covers tucked in tightly. I am constantly asking KF to pull the covers on his side of the bed to make them tighter.

There. That is all.

Ivan Drago
12-03-2008, 02:59 AM
I'm a college student. There's no such thing as sleep for me.

12-03-2008, 03:32 AM
Stomach sleeper, but I tend to use my right leg to ever so slightly prop me up on my left side. Usually need to be holding onto a soft pillow. More often than not, I breathe through my mouth, and rarely snore. I'm a fairly light sleeper in the beginning of the cycle (used to wear earplugs on a nightly basis for about 2-3 years), but once I've completely fallen asleep, I'm pretty out of it. Like, if someone calls and wakes me during my "deep sleep," I often can't remember anything they, or I, have said. I don't usually remember my dreams, unless it's a recurrent one.

I'm not much of a morning person. I set three alarms (within 5 minutes of each other), and then hit snooze at least twice on the last alarm. If I'm feeling depressed or unusually tired during the week, I take a nap after work -which causes me to get less sleep later on at night. I have a bad habit of falling asleep on my couch. Even though it's quite comfortable, I tend to wake up sore.

Boner M
12-03-2008, 04:32 AM
Summers take me longer to get to sleep as I'm constantly repositioning myself to claim the cooler spots of the bed (no air-conditioner here).

12-03-2008, 10:09 AM
I prefer to fall asleep on my stomach or back; rarely on my sides, but it is possible. Spooning is only an act that occurs after I have fallen asleep. I can't fall asleep if draping over my significant other or vice versa.

I generally fall asleep within ten minutes of going to bed. I go to bed after my girlfriend so usually I will spoon her for a few minutes. This is not only an act of intimacy, but also selfishness on my part. Our house is frequently freezing cold, and I enjoy stealing her body heat until I warm up my portion of the bed. After that initial few minutes, I toss around until I fall asleep a few minutes later.

I only remember dreams if I wake up during them. I have a hard time sleeping when it's light out, so I will cover my eyes with a pillow in the mornings. On cold mornings I suppose all you would see of me is my mouth and nose.

I sometimes snore, and have occasionally been known to talk in my sleep. I can hold mini-conversations, and have no recollection of them when I do wake up for good.

Also sleeping in is the best, especially when it is freezing ass cold. I lived in Dallas for a number of years, and some summer nights would not dip below 90 degrees. Worst. Thing. Ever. Try getting to sleep while sweating, especially if next to someone. Thank god that's not an issue anymore.

12-03-2008, 10:36 AM
I have a weird sleeping habit. I usually sleep on my stomach with a pillow on my head if it is not too warm in my room. Sleeping like that is really comfortable to me. I usually go to sleep between 23:30 and 24:00 during the week. And I usually wear nothing more than my boxer shorts. I also prefer a cool bed than a warm one.

Although I haven't experienced it myself, I have been told by other people that I snore really loud sometimes. Sometimes I talk in my sleep as well and regularly have really intense dreams from which I wake up bathed in sweat but afterwards can't remember what the dream was about.

I also have a lot more trouble getting up in the morning during the winter than in the summer. I love mornings though.

12-03-2008, 10:40 AM
My job has absolutely ruined my sleep. Over the last week I haven't been able to sleep more than 3 hours at a time.

And because of the hours of the job, even if I get a full 8 hours of sleep, I wake up exhausted. I haven't felt genuinely refreshed in a few years now.

I usually go to sleep on my stomach or side, but I move a LOT when I sleep. I also sometimes wake up talking.

12-03-2008, 01:32 PM
I love resting on my stomach and sides, but I cannot fall asleep there unless I'm sick or nightmarishly exhausted. I must sleep on my back, though I wake up sometimes on my sides, I think. I believe I rock back and forth at night so that the sheets get tucked progressively further underneath me, to the point where I'm mummified in cloth by the morning. It's a great feeling. I usually sleep well, but lately I'm waking up at 3 or 4 each morning. Sometimes I don't really fall back asleep. I do not nap during the day, ever, unless I pass out from sickness.

One morning, I woke up with a frozen forefinger. My index finger, just the tip (from the first crease/hinge to the tip), was frozen stiff. Weirdest feeling ever.

12-03-2008, 01:48 PM
I love to sleep. It is really one of my favorite things to do. If I had my way, I'd sleep 9 hours a night. As it is, I'm usually between 6 and 7.

I sleep on my side or back. If I am on my back, I sleep with my right arm over my eyes or above my head.

I have vivid, disturbing dreams that I remember in freakish detail. I remember four or five dreams per night, and will tell them to anyone who will listen. I also go into the dream state faster than I am supposed to-- for instance, I will have a dream during a 15-minute nap.

I have had sleep paralysis occasionally and had problems with insomnia for years, which I've overcome.

My feet must be cool in order for me to sleep. I cannot sleep with my feet covered by anything. They stick out under the blankets. If I try to sleep with socks or tuck them under the covers, I will kick them off during the night. If it's hot weather, I will soak my feet in cold water for five minutes before bed so that I can fall asleep.

I will hit the alarm three to five times before actually waking up. I have to set my alarm at least an hour before I actually need to be awake. If I wake up briefly during a dream, I will go back into the dream once I fall back asleep.

All three of my siblings sleep-walk and sleep-talk, but I do not. I do, however, do strange things when I'm very tired. (For instance, waking up at midnight and putting all the clocks into a kitchen cupboard, then going back to sleep.) Also, if you talk to me right before I go to sleep, I don't make much sense. If you make me laugh when I'm sleep deprived, I can't stop, and will laugh for fifteen minutes until I'm crying.

Mostly, though, lack of sleep makes me notably more irritable and aggressive. I yell and break things.

12-03-2008, 01:49 PM
I love to sleep. It is really one of my favorite things to do. If I had my way, I'd sleep 9 hours a night. As it is, I'm usually between 6 and 7.

Me too. I could sleep 9-10 hours a day and not bat an eye.

That's why my recent inability to get a good sleep has been so damn painful. :cry:

12-03-2008, 01:50 PM
People who brag about how little they sleep (FOUR HOURS A NIGHT!) baffle me. They seem to think they do a lot more living, when I think sleep is what makes life worth the trouble.

12-03-2008, 01:55 PM
I'm a pretty light sleeper. Normal hours are like 1-2am to 8am, side or stomach and definitely not on my back. I don't know how people can sleep on their back. I also wake up a good 4-5 times per night to change positions or move the pillows around or remove a layer of blanket, and I can't sleep if it's even remotely hot so I usually keep the temperature fairly low.

It's strange that I have such a difficult time getting up in the morning or on the weekends but I really have to force myself to try and get to sleep regardless of how much I've had the night before. I could get 3 hours the previous night and I still wont be tired unless I lay down with no noise and maybe try reading or something. I sometimes end up taking melatonin in order to trick my body into getting tired.

Ezee E
12-03-2008, 02:19 PM
People who brag about how little they sleep (FOUR HOURS A NIGHT!) baffle me. They seem to think they do a lot more living, when I think sleep is what makes life worth the trouble.
The small amount of sleep I get is not something I'm proud of. I love the days where I can sleep in. Even if it is only until 8 or 9 AM.

12-03-2008, 02:22 PM
The small amount of sleep I get is not something I'm proud of. I love the days where I can sleep in. Even if it is only until 8 or 9 AM.

This I understand. It's those other people that bug, the ones who say I'm "wasting" a third of the day.

12-03-2008, 02:35 PM
If there were no negative repercussions to not sleeping, I would not sleep - ever. There is simply too much to do, read, write, see, play and experience to spend so much of my life in bed. I like relaxing, and just sitting, that's cool, but the time I do feel like the time I spend sleeping could, if physically and spiritually possible to do so, be spent on more creative and productive things. I understand the benefits of sleep, and in this body I understand that it is needed, but if I could choose I would choose not to sleep.

12-03-2008, 02:35 PM
Add me to the list of morning haters. The thought of getting out of bed in the morning is nauseating; getting up to face the world is the worst. Going to sleep also sucks. I always feel antsy when I'm trying to get to sleep. I used to stay up as late as possible in order to fall asleep quickly, but now my girlfriend always wants to go to bed early. As for insomnia and night terrors, I only battled insomnia for a few months a few years ago. Generally I need about half an hour to fall asleep, sometimes more, and I usually wake up only briefly during the night. The dreams I remember are usually nightmares, which wake me up once every week or two. I always sleep on my stomach.

12-03-2008, 02:50 PM
I do feel like the time I spend sleeping could, if physically and spiritually possible to do so, be spent on more creative and productive things.

Maybe it's because I remember my dreams so vividly, but I feel like sleeping is creative and productive. It's like having an in-depth conversation with my subconcious, which fascinates, challenges, and frightens me.

Most of my creative writing stems from something that keeps cropping up in my dreams. I figure if my brain keeps vomiting it up, it's probably something I need to work through psychologically.

12-03-2008, 03:12 PM
Me too. I could sleep 9-10 hours a day and not bat an eye.

That's why my recent inability to get a good sleep has been so damn painful. :cry:

Ooo! Me too. KF thinks it's dumb that I love sleep so much. It's actually one of the things that he hates the most about me. I love bed. I'm a sleep Nazi.

Kurosawa Fan
12-03-2008, 03:18 PM
Oh, I also have to sleep with my feet outside the covers.

12-03-2008, 03:29 PM
Oh, I also have to sleep with my feet outside the covers.

Which drives me nuts because he messes up the covers.

12-03-2008, 03:29 PM
It's also really weird when some of your dreams feature posters from internet boards that you've never met in person, but your subconscious creates a likeness of them in your mind as a frame of reference. I don't remember it ever happening on this board, but it has on another one.

EDIT: I take that back. I remember one really strange dream once involving Iosos and his wife, and they were backstage at a concert involving...Sven help me out here, who was it you were talking about seeing recently? Anyway, I'm thinking that my subconscious mind must have used memories of pictures that Sven posted of he and his wife. They were backstage chatting away with the musician whose name I can't recall, and Sven's wife knew him quite well and Sven was...well, being Sven, don't know how to explain it more than that. It was a really weird dream and I wish I could remember more of the finer details. I think his wife was getting annoyed with him because he was trying to make a big impression on the musician. Strange thing was, I wasn't even in the dream. It was like I was watching a television show or something.

12-03-2008, 03:31 PM
Oh, I also have to sleep with my feet outside the covers.This makes no sense whatsoever.

Kurosawa Fan
12-03-2008, 03:34 PM
This makes no sense whatsoever.

My feet need to breath. Covers are stifling.

Ezee E
12-03-2008, 04:26 PM
Sleeping and also lack of sleeping has spawned a lot of creativity for me. If I'm dead at work, with nothing to do, sometimes I'll write, and I'll be impressed later when typing it in at home.

Other days, when I'm off from work, first thing I'll do is wake up and write. I haven't had the time to think too much, and the writing just moves at a pace that it normally doesn't. I like that.

12-03-2008, 05:26 PM
My feet need to breath. Covers are stifling.

I can't stand the extreme other end of this spectrum: insanely tight, embalming covers, like on hotel beds. I understand the neatness of it, but Jesus nobody sleeps with bed covers that tight. It's like being sealed up in a tomb. I'm not even that bad...

Kurosawa Fan
12-03-2008, 05:27 PM
I can't stand the extreme other end of this spectrum: insanely tight, embalming covers, like on hotel beds. I understand the neatness of it, but Jesus nobody sleeps with bed covers that tight. It's like being sealed up in a tomb. I'm not even that bad...

My wife does. The covers are tighter on our bed than at a hotel. I always screw things up by pulling the covers untucked at the bottom end of my side of the bed so I can have my feet outside of the blankets.

12-03-2008, 05:35 PM
I can't stand the extreme other end of this spectrum: insanely tight, embalming covers, like on hotel beds. I understand the neatness of it, but Jesus nobody sleeps with bed covers that tight. It's like being sealed up in a tomb. I'm not even that bad...
I've kicked the covers off many a hotel bed during fits of frustration induced by their insane tightness. What is the deal with those covers?

12-03-2008, 05:51 PM
It's like being sealed up in a tomb

Best. Sleep. Ever.

12-03-2008, 05:57 PM
I know a married couple who share a bed but have entirely different sheets and covers to accomadate different sleeping habits.

I think it's kind of adorable.

12-03-2008, 06:30 PM
Hotel beds are where I get the best sleep. Ludicrously soft mattresses, fluffy blankets, and a sheets so tight that I have to hold my breath to get into them. Glorious.

12-03-2008, 06:55 PM
Hotel beds are where I get the best sleep. Ludicrously soft mattresses, fluffy blankets, and a sheets so tight that I have to hold my breath to get into them. Glorious.

"Election (Taylor, 1999) [2nd] 89"


12-03-2008, 07:09 PM
"Election (Taylor, 1999) [2nd] 89"


Whoops. I of course meant Payne. Briefly got the two confused, I guess.

12-03-2008, 07:28 PM
I am weirdly interested in people's sleeping habits. And based on the average word count of the posts in this thread, I think people are weirdly interested in sharing their sleeping habits in detail.

12-03-2008, 07:37 PM
Am I the only one who sleeps with their socks on?

I cannot sleep if I don't have my feet covered.

12-03-2008, 07:42 PM
I like to be ridiculously warm, almost sweating, when I sleep. I have a waterbed that I keep just below 100 degrees, and lotsa blankets. Socks are also sometimes utilized.

12-03-2008, 07:45 PM
Am I the only one who sleeps with their socks on?

I cannot sleep if I don't have my feet covered.

I used to need socks on to sleep, now that I think about it. These days, the idea is kind of disgusting to me.

12-03-2008, 07:58 PM
Am I the only one who sleeps with their socks on?

I cannot sleep if I don't have my feet covered.

I had a spell for about two to three years where I couldn't go to sleep without removing my socks first. It was one of those youthful and thus logically inconsistent ideas that since I'd thrown up one night while wearing socks that I'd likewise throw up the next time I went to bed with them. Now I'm ambivalent about the whole enterprise of socks and sleep.

To answer the original thread questions, if I'll be doing any sustained sleep, I can only sleep on my back. Short naps on the couch can be done on my side, but not a full night's worth.

I need about 7 hours of sleep to function properly. Right now on MWF I usually get about 6 hours because of 8:00 classes, but in the ideal scenario I'd go to bed at midnight and wake up at 7.

Kurosawa Fan
12-03-2008, 08:10 PM
Ugh. I could never sleep with socks on. The mere thought is revolting.

12-03-2008, 08:14 PM
Ugh. I could never sleep with socks on. The mere thought is revolting.
The only time my feet are ever bare is when I'm in the shower.

Ezee E
12-03-2008, 09:09 PM
I typically have to take the socks off as well, but they must be covered by blankets still.

12-03-2008, 09:28 PM
I don't sleep with socks on, but I had to for a brief period while sleeping at home home in Charlotte. Something was biting my damn toes, leaving red spots and bumps. Could never discover it to kill it--which you better fucking believe I woulda done if I had found it--so I had to wear socks for the duration that I was sleeping at this particular spot.

12-04-2008, 01:39 PM
I like to be ridiculously warm, almost sweating, when I sleep. I have a waterbed that I keep just below 100 degrees, and lotsa blankets. Socks are also sometimes utilized.This is pretty much my idea of hell. The heat is bad enough to not be able to sleep but then you throw a whole new layer of suck into the mix with a waterbed.

If I was ever detained in GITMO, this is the cell they'd give me.

Ezee E
12-04-2008, 01:40 PM
I need it very cool outside the blankets. Room temperature at 60 being ideal.

12-04-2008, 02:35 PM
Oh, and I sleep with a teddy bear. I sneak it into hotel rooms on trips, because I am ashamed, but if there isn't room in my luggage I have to mimic the size and shape of the teddy bear (Mikey) by wadding up a pillow or some blankets.

12-04-2008, 02:36 PM
I need it very cool outside the blankets. Room temperature at 60 being ideal.
This is how I like it too. Wintertime sleep is the best. I drag out this "blanket" thing that a relative brought to me from Korea -- it's velvety smooth on on side (face down) and like a shag carpet on the top side. And it weighs about 20-30 lbs. It can be 40 degrees in the house and all I need is a sheet and the "big blanket." I wouldn't get rid of it for anything. It's bliss.

If I sleep when it's too warm, I always wake up with a headache.

12-04-2008, 02:38 PM
This is how I like it too. Wintertime sleep is the best. I drag out this "blanket" thing that a relative brought to me from Korea -- it's velvety smooth on on side (face down) and like a shag carpet on the top side. And it weighs about 20-30 lbs. It can be 40 degrees in the house and all I need is a sheet and the "big blanket." I wouldn't get rid of it for anything. It's bliss.

If I sleep when it's too warm, I always wake up with a headache.

This is me precisely.

The wife, however, is much more like thefourthwall.

Therefore, divorce is imminent.

12-04-2008, 05:37 PM
In other news, I slept with socks on last night. The world didn't end.

12-04-2008, 11:35 PM
Yeah, I always sleep with socks on. If I don't, I tend to pull the sheets between my toes, and move around in discomfort.